Permanent Placement Recruiting Services
We offer both Contingency and Retained Search services: Sometimes it makes sense for companies to only pay when the process is complete and your new hire has agreed to join. Contingency recruiting is particularly appropriate for businesses looking to fill individual contributor and supervisory positions on a non-confidential basis. Retained search is particularly appropriate when the need is urgent, the hire will have a significant impact on company performance, or new opportunities emerge that must be quickly addressed.
Retained ServicesContingency ServicesLeadership Consultancy
To advance through the 5 levels of leadership, you have to invest in and inspire people, produce results within the organization, and develop those below you to become leaders themselves. As a leader, you have to constantly be willing to change and grow. Partnering with Teleias will allow for your organization to enhance the look of your leadership team by offering leadership competency models, coaching, development plans or leadership succession planning.
Level 5 ExplainedContact Us Now